Monday, December 15, 2008

This is an old abandoned building in town.
The bricks are really pretty.

These yellow things are all over the place.
Can somebody tell me what they are?

Not sure if you can see it, but its actually snowing sideways.

I've been having a rough couple of weeks, and taking pictures always makes me feel better. Finding beauty in things that have been forgotten. But, DUDE it was cold, my toes are still frozen!


Haley H said...

A nice series. I especially like the top one with the door and the pretty bricks. Well done.

I know what you mean about taking photos making you feel better. Works for me. Have you thawed out yet?

Aleta said...

Taking pictures makes me feel good too. I loved the brick and yes and I could see the snow going sideways - woah!

C said...

Thanks haley and yes I have finally thawed ;). Aleta, do you still want some of out weather...we have enough to share! Thanks for stopping by and for the encouraging comments!

Sparky said...

Very nice pictures you have, I believe the yellow pipe you have in your one picture you ask about is either a natural gas reservoir or part of a pipeline. where I grew up in upstate ny there was a pipeline that passed through some of our property and there where a few of these things.
